An SR-22 insurance requirement can make it very difficult to get vehicle insurance at a reasonable price and can even make it difficult to get auto insurance coverage at all. An SR-22 requirement is a result of high-risk driving habits, such as driving under the influence, frequent speeding and other traffic violations, or driving without insurance.
If you require SR-22 insurance, the DMV will notify you, at which point you will have to contact your insurance provider and have them fill out the paperwork and submit it to the DMV for you in order to prove that you are insured.
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A family farm is a wonderful legacy to pass down to future family members. In order to keep that legacy safe, all farm owners need to make certain they carry the right level of insurance to protect themselves. This does not mean just purchasing commercial insurance for the crops, the staff and the equipment, but also protecting the owner as well. Most owner/operators of farming businesses are determined to work every day and are an integral part of the operations.
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