Three Types Of Additional Property Insurance You May Want To Add To Your Homeowners’ Policy

Purchasing homeowners' insurance is a necessity that comes with buying a house. While it does represent an additional expense, it's important that you look at all of your options instead of just going with the cheapest policy available. Your specific situation might require that you get coverage for some things that might not be available in a basic homeowners' policy. Here are 3 additional types of property insurance that you might want to add to your existing homeowners' policy. Read More 

Two Myths About Hiring An Insurance Adjuster To Help Settle A Claim

It doesn't matter what type of incident you have been involved in, to settle your claim with your insurance provider, you generally have to work with a professional claims adjuster. For many people, this idea invokes a level of fear as there is often the idea that the adjuster isn't on your side, but instead the side of the insurance company. Most of these fears surface due to misconceptions. Make sure you know fact from fiction. Read More 

Renting Out Your Home Short-Term? Know If Insurance Will Cover It

If the state of the economy has caused you to look into making more income, you may be considering renting out part of your home to a tenant to earn extra money. Your typical homeowners insurance may not cover any tenant that is leasing a room out for an extended period of time, but things are different for tenants that are only staying short term. Here is what you need to know about your insurance coverage for short-term rentals. Read More 

Checklist For Best Auto Insurance Rates

Getting great auto insurance rates is a science; it requires you to evaluate every aspect of your driving situation. Here are some things to cover when you're trying to get the best insurance rates.  How's Your Personal Record?  The first thing that may come up is your personal fit for car insurance. Aside from having a clean driving record, it's also important that you have good credit in order to be considered a low-risk candidate for auto insurance. Read More 

Tips To Help Reduce Your Car Insurance Rate

Are you buying car insurance for your old, used car? If so, you likely don't have any intentions on spending too much on your policy. However, if you still want to be fully protected in the event of a car accident, then you will still want to obtain a full-body insurance policy. To avoid paying too much for your insurance policy, there are a few methods to utilize when signing up for your new policy, like the following: Read More